Sustanability as a core value

We believe in leaving the smallest mark on the planet that we can and constantly striving to do better.

The Maya Mountains of the Belizean rainforest as viewed from mount Outlier
One percent for the planet logo
1% for the Planet

1% for the Planet was founded on the idea that a company has a responsibility to give back for use of our planet’s resources. As certified members of 1% for the Planet, we commit to donating at least 1% of annual revenue to vetted environmental charities.

We are Ocean+Positive

90% of carbon in the global carbon cycle is stored in the ocean. Seatrees works to restore carbon-sequestering ecosystems like mangroves and kelp forests. We work with seatrees to calculate our carbon footprint. Then we offset more carbon than we emit each year.

Seatrees logo
LA Green Business logo
LA Green Business

We are certified by California as a Los Angeles Green Business, conserving natural resources and minimizing our footprint on the planet.

Sunset at the headwaters of the Amazon River.
Partnerships with a Purpose

1% for the Planet members have given over US$450 million to environmental causes so far. Environmental Partners are vetted environmental organizations working toward a wide array of solutions, from climate justice and urban infrastructure to gender equality; indigenous land rights to supply chain sustainability; conservation policy to environmental education, and beyond.

Our Environmental Partners
Bat Conservation International Logo
The Amphibian Foundation Logo
Macaw Recovery Network Logo
Save Pangolins Logo
seatrees logo
Business as usual doesn't work

'This is not philanthropy. It's paying rent for the use of the Planet' - Yvon Chouinard, Founder of Patagonia and 1% for the Planet

Sunset from Mount Maragaret, Belize. Red rays shine through clouds and the sun is brilliantly yellow against a deepening blue sky.
Sustainabilitas: Our Environmental Policy Statement

Sustainabilitas is a Core Value at Noise Engineering. We strive to incorporate sustainability into our core operations through internal and external efforts. Our efforts are focused on the following areas:

We continually evaluate how we can reduce use, consumption, and disposal of waste by
  • Minimizing paper use.
  • Repurposing or donating equipment no longer in use.
  • Reusing all void fill and packaging when possible.
  • Using reusable items whenever possible.
  • Combining shipments whenever possible.
  • Minimizing package enclosures that are likely to end up in landfills.
  • Ensuring that all electronics that are disposed of are recycled properly either through our local sanitation department or through the help of Homeboy Electronics Recycling.
  • Recycling any paper, cardboard, metals, glass, and plastics that we dispose of.

We commit to resource conservation at NE HQ by
  • Having a fully remote team, requiring no commute.
  • Catering / cooking a vegetarian or vegan-based menu when we meet in person once per year.
  • Using LED lighting and Energy Star appliances and electronics.
  • Using reusable bags, containers, and bottles wherever possible.
  • Offering carbon-neutral shipping when customers pay with Shop Pay.
  • Offsetting more than our carbon footprint through Sea Trees. This includes shipping, our once-annual team meeting in Los Angeles, and manufacturing.
  • Minimizing the number of trade shows we travel to, and the number of people traveling.
  • Working with a local manufacturer who also serves as our distributor, minimizing shipping requirements.
  • Composting all food scraps and shredded documents.
In addition, we work closely with our manufacturer to ensure that our packaging is continually moving toward more sustainable options, including
  • Elimination of plastic tape.
  • Decreased use of plastics with a preference for paper in all packaging.

We commit to supporting our team members and environmental partners by
  • Offering Volunteer Time Off for team members to give time to environmental organizations.
  • Maintaining active membership in 1% for the Planet, requiring us to donate at least 1% of revenue to environmental charities.
  • Educating employees about ways they can use their time to support this venture.

  • We continually evaluate processes and products for ways to increase sustainability.
  • We implement new practices that we are able.
  • We keep a list of best practices that we aspire to and incorporate them as we are able.
  • We report our sustainability efforts publicly on our blog at least once per year.
Noise Engineering is a proud member of 1% for the Planet
Noise Engineering is certified Ocean Positive by Sea Trees
Noise Engineering is a certified LA Green Business at the Innovator level.