Black replacement panels

Powder-coated aluminum black replacement panels for Noise Engineering modules

Replacement faceplates for Noise Engineering Modules. For panels not shown, please see photos on module pages!

Please note that any damages that may occur during repaneling are the responsibility of the user and are not covered by warranty. Out-of-warranty repairs are available via our paid repair service.

We recently had to change the diameter of pots used on our modules, however all panels purchased will work on both new and old modules.

The discontinued Iteritas panels will remain in stock for the foreseeable future.

We have discontinued replacement panels for some older modules; if you don’t see it in the list, we no longer have them.

For our international customers: Shipping an order of just panels outside of the US is often prohibitively expensive. To minimize these costs, ask your favorite retailer to include your desired panel in their next shipment.

Designed and made in sunny Southern California
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